Dan Tosh founded Tosh & Associates in 1985 and has been an appraiser since 1974. Dr. Tosh is a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser licensed in the State of California. He holds Ph.Ds in economics from Cranston University and Canterbury University and a Juris Doctorate from Novus Law School. Among his many experiences, he was a contract auditor for FSLIC, an underwriter, vice chairman of a savings and loan, an executive vice president of a bank, a vice president of secondary marketing, a chief appraiser for two different mortgage companies and was a member of the US Services League.
2011 – Present McKissock Instructor – USPAP and other courses
1985 – Present Chief Appraiser, Tosh & Associates
1994 – 1995 Executive Vice President, CFO Atlas Capital Funding
1987 – 1995 Chief Appraiser, First Franklin Financial Corporation
1986 Senior Appraiser, Mortgage Loans America
1985 – 1986 Vice Chairman, Stanford Savings & Loan
1984 Executive Vice President, Delta Pacific Bank
1983 – 1984 Senior Underwriter/Production Mgr, Santa Clara Savings
1980 – 1984 Executive Vice President, AFS Mortgage
1974 – 1980 Fee Appraiser, William Fawcett Appraisal Services
1972 – 1974 High School Teacher, Samoana High, American Samoa
1971 Honorable Discharge, United States Marine Corps.
Other Experience and Licenses:
1985 Contract Federal Auditor with FSLIC
Certified General Real Estate Appraiser CA #AG001721
AQB Certified USPAP Instructor #10844
Deputy Director Local SEIU #521 UTWA
Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise #41243
Real Estate Broker #01188442
Member IBA (International Bar Association) #1017242
2003 Canterbury University, Ph.D. – Economics (foreign degree)
2003 Awarded Professorship Canterbury University (foreign degree)
2006 Novus University School of Law - BSL
2006 Novus University School of Law - JD
2007 Adjunct Professor Novus Law School
Canterbury University was established in 1974 in Hyde-Cheshire, Manchester, United Kingdom and is an independent university that delivers various specialized scientific courses
through distance learning. Canterbury University is governed by the British Law of Private Universities issued in England in 1988. Moreover, the university complies with the British
Educational regulations and has obtained ISO 9001 in July 1994. Our... university is certified by the Colleges Union Council in Ireland and internationally certified according to the
International law of the Hague Convention on October 5, 1961 through UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Further, our university is recognized in
many countries around the world without any requirements. Thus, the certificate issued by our university is certified by the US Secretary of States, Irish Foreign Ministry and Embassies in
these countries.
The university is recognized in 87 countries in the world including but not limited to (Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, The Bahamas, Barbados,
Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Salvador, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Island, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malawi, Malta, Morehouse, Mexico, Moldova,
Monaco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Surinam, Sweden,
Switzerland, Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela.)
Novus University is an accredited college; however, no college of distance learning is approved by the ABA.
Continuing Education:
Since 1975 to present courses have been completed from the Appraisal Institute, McKissock and numerous other course providers
Appraisal Course Instructor for McKissock
AQB Certified National USPAP Instructor #10844
Mentor and Adjunct Professor of Novus Law School
Author of “Residential Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use”, published by Ashley Crown Publishing a division of Allied Publishing
Real Estate Broker – Owner of E-Value Properties
International Bar Member #1017242 – International Lawyer Member
Key points bolded for emphasis
Co-Author of "Residential Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use"
McKissock Education provides college level accredited appraisal courses in the State of California. We provide continuing education as well as basic education including USPAP.
Dr. Tosh is a certified USPAP instructor (#10844) and teaches courses all over the State of California and other states as well.
Dan Tosh is also a 10th degree blackbelt and owns
Tosh's Academy of Shorin-ryu Karate in Brentwood, California.
